

This example is for installing bibserver to run, but applies to other instances - just change relevant parts e.g. domain name and so on.

These instructions work on an ubuntu / debian machine, and explain how to get a stable deployment using:

  • git (to get latest copy of code)
  • nginx (the web server that proxies to the web app)
  • python2.7+, pip, virtualenv (required to run the app)
  • gunicorn (runs the web app that receives the proxy from nginx)
  • supervisord (keeps everything up and running)

nginx config

Create an nginx site config named e.g. default location is /etc/nginx/sites-available (for OKF machines should be in ~/etc/nginx/sites-available then symlinked) then symlink from /etc/nginx/sites-enabled

upstream bibsoup_app_server {
server fail_timeout=0;


server {


access_log /var/log/nginx/;

server_name_in_redirect off;

client_max_body_size 20M;

location / {
## straight-forward proxy proxy_redirect off;

proxy_connect_timeout 75s; proxy_read_timeout 180s;

proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

proxy_pass http://bibsoup_app_server;



supervisord config

Create a supervisord config named e.g. - the default location for this is /etc/supervisor/conf.d (for OKF machines, should be put in ~/etc/supervisor/conf.d then symlinked)

[] command=/home/okfn/var/srvc/%(program_name)s/bin/gunicorn -w 4 -b bibserver.web:app user=www-data directory=/home/okfn/var/srvc/%(program_name)s/src/bibserver stdout_logfile=/var/log/supervisor/%(program_name)s-access.log stderr_logfile=/var/log/supervisor/%(program_name)s-error.log autostart=true

Install bibserver

Create a virtualenv and get the latest bibserver code installed. Bibserver requires python2.7+ so make sure that is available on your system, then start a virtualenv to run it in

virtualenv -p python2.7 –no-site-packages cd mkdir src cd bin source activate cd ../src git clone cd bibserver python install

Currently, install does not result in running system because config.json cannot be found. So, do dev install. This will be fixed asap

pip install -e .

Then install gunicorn into the virtualenv

pip install gunicorn

Now create a local_config.json with details as necessary for example check the ES index you with to use for this instance (default is bibserver)

“debug”: false, “port”: 5050, “ELASTIC_SEARCH_DB” : “bibserver_something”, “ELASTIC_SEARCH_HOST” : “localhost:9200”


Now run bibserver directly to check it is working - this requires elasticsearch to be up and running, as it attempts to create indices.

If it works, you should see confirmation of creation of the index and the mappings; if all good, kill it and move on. If not, debug the issues.

python bibserver/

If the above step failed to push the mappings, you can do so manually. A command such as the following, augmented for your ES index URL and your index name, should do the job for you (default mappings are in config.json) (remember to do record and collection)

curl -X PUT localhost:9200/bibserver/record/_mapping -d ‘{
“record” : {

“date_detection” : false, “dynamic_templates” : [

“default” : {

“match” : “*”, “match_mapping_type”: “string”, “mapping” : {

“type” : “multi_field”, “fields” : {

“{name}” : {“type” : “{dynamic_type}”, “index” : “analyzed”, “store” : “no”}, “exact” : {“type” : “{dynamic_type}”, “index” : “not_analyzed”, “store” : “yes”}








Enable everything

In the case of OKF service deployment, make symbolic links from the supervisor and nginx files which should be in the ~/etc folder into the /etc/nginx/sites-available and /etc/supervisor/conf.d folders, then make symbolic link from /etc/nginx/sites-available into /etc/nginx/sites-enabled - if you do not use this pattern, just put the config directly in /etc/nginx/sites-available and symlink from there into sites-enabled

cd /etc/nginx/sites-available ln -s ~/etc/nginx/sites-available/ . cd /etc/supervisor/conf.d ln -s ~/etc/supervisor/conf.d/ .

Then enable the new nginx and supervisor settings

cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled ln -s ../sites-available/ . /etc/init.d/nginx reload supervisorctl reread supervisorctl update

Configure your domain name to point at your server, and it should work.